
Thursday, 28 January 2016

Sweet Poison... how God healed me from poisoning myself!

In my late twenties and early thirties, I started feeling very tired and depressed.  It was this heavy, gloomy feeling and sometimes I did not even feel like getting out of bed in the mornings. The tiredness would come and go. I couldn't explain it. I would be sitting in church and suddenly feel so tired that I had difficulty getting up to worship and felt like I just wanted to go lay down. Besides that, for years, I struggled with swollen glands in my feet and I often limped because it was too painful for me to put my full weight on my feet.  I also suffered from joint pains, especially in my knees and, even though I loved jogging when I was younger, and even took part in races, I had to stop because my knees and feet was to painful.  I really felt like I was getting old before my time and I really could not understand it.  I remember visiting my grandmother in 2010 (she was about 88 years old at the time) and telling her that I feel like an old woman and that I don't know what is wrong with me, but I felt like my body was deteriorating at a rapid pace and I was longing back to the years when I had lots of energy and vitality.  Well, Granny just laughed at me and basically thought I was just being silly for saying things like that. But she had no idea how sickly I felt. Granny is 94 this year and still as healthy as can be.

I prayed about it and cried out to God to heal me. Then the Holy Spirit laid it on my heart that He was going to do a supernatural work in my life and that He would guide me and that there were certain things that He was going to cut out of my life, that was going to cause me to become healthy again. At that stage, I was wondering what the Lord was talking about, since I haven't smoked  a cigarette or drank a drop of alcohol for many years. I also have never touched drugs, so what on earth could be the problem?

If ants don't want to eat it, then you know there is a problem!
A few days later, a friend forwarded an email to me about the side-effects of Asparmate and Non-Nutritive Sweeteneres (the name says it all! Non Nutritive (no nutrition!). As I was reading the list of side-effects, I realised that this was definately one of my problems. For many years, in my desperate efforts to lose weight, I started to drink non-nutritive sweeteners in my coffee and tea instead of sugar. I also drank cooldrink containing non-nutritive sweetener instead of sugar. Now thinking back, my aches and pains, especially in my feet, started at around about the same time when I started drinking the non-nutritive sweetener.  I remember following a diet once where they encourage you to drink at least a 2lt bottle of soda containing non-nutritive sweetener a day.  I remember feeling very ill during this time and going to the doctor. The doctor could not find the cause of me feeling so sick. Now I know what the cause was! In the days that followed I did a lot of research on Google concerning non-nutritive sweetener and what I learnt was shocking!  Asparmate and any other non-nutritive sweetener is a neuro-toxin, attacking the body's nervous system.  It is a poison that can cause various serious illnesses and conditions in the body, including depression. Since I have struggled with feelings of depression and gloominess, I knew this was one of the causes and I immediately stopped taking asparmate or any other non-nutritive sweetener in my coffee and tea. There is not one good one, they are all bad. If it is not natural and if it is manufactured in a laboratory, then it is bad for you and you should avoid it! Sometimes they print on the packet: "Asparmate Free", but then they include another type of non-nutritive sweetener. Unfortunately they are ALL poisonous to your body.  I started drinking natural sugar or honey in my coffee and tea and the most amazing thing happened... I started feeling better within a few days and I even stared losing some weight! I read every label in the shop before I buy something. They often put artificial sweetener in the cheaper brands of tomato sauce, mayonnaise and in juice. My husband and I prayed about it and in a prophetic word the Lord confirmed to me that the non-nutritive sweetener was poisonous to my body and one of the things that He wanted to cut out of my life. I am so grateful to God for highlighting this to me. Within a few weeks I was already feeling so much better and I stopped feeling the aches and pains in my feet and joints. If I slip up and accidentally ingest artificial sweetener, the very next day my feet would be swollen and painful again, but by the grace of God that hardly ever happens now.

So this is my testimony about how God cut artificial sweetener out of my life and healed me from poisoning myself, without me ever realising it at the time.  But I was still not feeling 100% and asked the Lord to show me what else I needed to cut out of my life. That's when I had a dream  and in the dream I saw my teeth and I heard the words..."your teeth are making you sick". But more about that in my next post. Till next time. God bless!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

More about me...

My name is Dorraine and I live in the beautiful city, Port Elizabeth in South Africa. I am 41 years old and this is my story of how God supernaturally lead me from sickness to health and in every area of my life. Since I gave my heart fully to Jesus in 2006, He started taking me on this supernatural journey of healing and restoration with Him. I used to be very overweight and felt old before my age, but God showed me various things in my life that was affecting my health…  mercury poisoning, artificial sweetener poisoning and much more! God was also my matchmaker! After many failed relationships I went on my knees and trusted Him for the right partner and in a very supernatural way, He brought my husband Keith into my life. But let me not tell you too much … you will have to read my future posts for more!

This was me before in 2011

This is me now

On our wedding day in December 2013

Pen to paper

Welcome to my first post in my new blog: My supernatural walk with God.  I really feel that I have a story to tell which might help other people to have their own supernatural journeys with God. I used to be very sickly, overweight and felt depressed all the time, but since I fully surrendered my life to Jesus in 2006, He started me off on this incredible supernatural journey of healing and restoration.  Besides healing me emotionally, He also took me from feeling sickly in my physical body to optimum health and vitality. I am 41 years old now and I am feeling healthier and more energetic now than when I was 31 years old!

The way that He leads me is very supernatural...
Oh yes, God still speaks to us today! The bible says that God never changes, so the same God that spoke to and lead His children in the bible, is the same God that we serve today. He still speaks and communicates with us and in this blog I will be sharing with you what God did in my life and how He lead me... and hopefully it will inspire people to seek God for themselves and follow His leading in their own lives from sickness to health and in every other area. God is such a good, caring, loving God and even the small things in your life matters to Him. What God did for me He will do for you. Nothing is impossible with God. He is the perfect loving Father!

I have been toying around with the idea about writing a book for quite some time now, but then I thought… the best place to start is with a blog! On my birthday this past year, my precious husband prayed for me and the Holy Spirit impressed the following words over and over on his heart for me: “Pen to paper, pen to paper, pen to paper”.  That was enough confirmation for me, since my husband did not know at that time that I have been contemplating starting a blog or writing a book!  So welcome to my journey! This blog will not be just about God taking me from sickness to health, but also about His supernatural leading and guidance in every aspect of our lives. To God be the glory!  More next time. Enjoy!